In this namespace you'll find instructions on how to access and use the Scanco µCT 40 at the Department of Clinical Research.

Generally, SCANCO has an extensive FAQ on their site. You can access the FAQ for Customers as the User “”. David or Sebastien know the password for this login.

The information below has been collected in addition the FAQ and might be of special relevance to our group.

Usage Manual

The usage manual I've written a long time ago is being replaced and moved to this wiki page: Usage Manual to keep it more accessible and editable by all users.

Remote Access

See the page on remote access on how to access the µ40 from remote.

Work with ISQ images on other systems

Scanco uses a special image format on the OpenVMS system. The easiest way to analyze and work with these files is to use FTP to get the .ISQ files to your system and convert them to another format. The page working with ISQ files describes in details how to do this.

Put own images to the µCT

Quite a long time ago I wanted to get images from TOMCAT to the µCT for analysis. The way to do that with an arbitrary image stack is described on this page: Stack to VMS


To reserve the µ40, you first need to sign up as a new user on the Research Equipment Manager of the DKF. After logging in with a self-chosen password, you can request access to the “MicroCT40”. Mark Siegrist can then enable you for reservation to the machine, which makes it possible for you to reserve and plan a free slot on the µ40.