Notes from USGEB11
Thursday 27.01.2011
Plenary Lecture I
Seeing Cells in Action with photoactivatable fluorescent Proteins - Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz
- Photo-activated light microscopy → Super-resolution
- Autophagy → self-destruction of cell
- correlative imaging PALM/TEM → map molecules on Electron microscopy images
- 3D imaging possible
- wave from photon is propagated through two objectives
- interference makes it possible to extract 3D position
Brain Imaging - Symposium D
Rolf Grütter - Imaging Brain Metabolism
- Brain glucose level is linear to plasma glucose
- Brain glucose content mapped using 1H NMR
- Spectroscopy can be used to emasuera concentration of biochemical compounds
- Concentration > 1 MM
- water soluble
- → quantitative tool
Corrado Corradi - felt and observed pain...
- Analysis of activation patterns of brain regions of observed and experienced pain → localized in one single part of the brain
Beat Riederer - Imaging Brain Protein
Christophe Lamy - Imaging Sodium in Tissue
Exploring Biological Matter by Different Imaging Modalities - Symposium H
C. Cremer Nanoscopy of Nuclear Architecture
- distribution of cells in Nucleus → Super-resolution
- Merging of several images together
David Müller
- AFM imaging
Friday 28.01.2011
Imaging life using PET - Symposium J
- PET is quantitative, but had only a resolutin in the mm-range
Windhorst - New PET Pharaceuticals in Oncology
- Translational molecular imaging
- Molecular labeling with different compounds
- Makes personalized treatment possible, but needs testing for treatment with specific FDG-marker
Tony Gee - PET in the CNS
- Since markers have short half life, repeated studies are possible
- 11C has 20min half life
- Enzymes can be used, even Cocaine, Heroin and Nicotine. Can even be done without the pharmacological effect, since the markers can be labeled (which destroys the effect?)
- For antidepressants, a combination of Pindolol and SSRI was shown to improve onset of action. 70% of 5-HT1A - Receptor has to be occupied by Pindolol.
Surekha Pimple - Evaluation of Quinazoline as PET Tracers
- Development and characterization of new tracers for PET imaging
Haibiao Gong - in vigo imaging of xenograft tumors
- Near infrared imaging of tumors in vivo, follows by ex vivo imaging of the whole organ and tissue sectioning
- Activation of Affibodies could be detected.
Jana Doehner - Role of Reelin in brain tissue
- Plays a role in Alzheimer research
- Expression of Reelin changes over aging
- Similarities between human and mouse plaques
Plenary Lecture
Fritjof Helmchen - Emerging techniques for in vivo imaging of Neural Circuit Dynamics
- Neocortex has several layers of neurons until the white matter
- Depth penetration into Neocortex around 800 um, into living tissue!
- Single action potentials through imaging combined wit electrical recording
- Two-photon imaging with 'swinging objective' to cover full ROI
- Tradeoff between time resolution and size of Neuron population which can be imaged
- Plasticity effect in the brain (due to trimming of whiskers)
- Imaging in awake and behaving mice an be done with animals which are trained to tolerate head fixation