~~ODT~~ ==== gchart-plugin ==== Apples = 33 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 Apples = 33 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 ====embedding videos ==== with [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:vshare|vshare]] {{bliptv>669782}} {{bliptv>669782}} {{vimeo>15870556}} {{vimeo>15870556}} ====blockquote====
Test with a cite command...J. Random Hacker, [[http://localhost/~jrhacker]]
Test with a cite command...J. Random Hacker, [[http://localhost/~jrhacker]]
====barchart==== 1000|A:500,B:50,C:250,D:1000 1000|A:500,B:50,C:250,D:1000 ====markdown==== # This is a title Some Text, including a [link](http://www.somewhere) ## Subtitle * Item * Item * Sub-Item # This is a title Some Text, including a [link](http://www.somewhere) ## Subtitle * Item * Item * Sub-Item