~~ODT~~ ====== Notes for PSI ====== ===== Show free disk space ===== df -h /media/disk/ ===== Rsync the files to HD ===== synchronisierung auf workstation ganz links * grosse disk einstecken * evtl. mit `sudo gparted` formatieren, damit wirklich alles leer ist... * evtl. mit `dmesg` schauen, was lso ist, wenn nix passiert *`cd ~`, damit im root-verzeichnis\ * im terminal eingeben: rsyncdir -t 60000 --no-g --exclude-from=exclude_file.txt /sls/X02DA/data/e11126/Data10/BeamTime /media/MedionHDDrive2GO/ `-t 60000` erhoeht die abbruchzeit, damit synchronisation nicht gestoppt wird, falls mal laenger keine daten auf Data10 geschrieben werden. --no-g konserviert die Gruppenzugehoerigkeit, und ist seit Beamtime 2010e evtl. noetig `--exclude-from=exclude_file.txt` filelist, die die zu exkludierenden files enthaelt. in unserem fall meist sin viewrec tif tif_ang cpr fcr rec_DMP falls die rohdaten erwuenscht sind, dann `tif` aus dem exclude_file entfernen. `tif_ang` sind die resortierten 360grad-projektionen, die chris' skript mit hardlinks generiert. 'cpr' und 'fcr' kommen von der holotomography mir rajmund, rec_DMP entstehen, wenn mann falsche parameter bei der rekonstruktion eingibt. /sls/X02DA/data/e11126/Data10/2009a Verzeichnis mit den Messdaten auf File-Server (einfach herauszufinden mit `pwd`) /media/disk/ Root-Verzeichnis der Daten auf der HD. Ohne z.B. 2009a, denn rsyncdir macht sonst `/media/disk/2009a/2009a/blabla` am ende disk mit eject /media/FestPlattenName unmounten. ===== backup to archivftp.psi.ch ===== Start a Terminal and logon to the 6th node of the Cluster: ssh e11126@x02da-cn-6 Change to the directory you need to send to the Backupserver with (for example) cd Data3/2010a or for example cd Data10/2009f Then you can generate a Textfile containing a List with Files to backup using the commands: ls -d */tif > backupfile.txt ls -d */rec* >> backupfile.txt ls -d mrg/*/rec* >> backupfile.txt ls -d mrg/*/tif* >> backupfile.txt #only if you want to backup the merged tiffs! * 'ls -d */tif' lists all the subdirectories containing the Projections in the directory you're in and '> backupfile.txt' writes the output of this command to a textfile with the chosen name. * The following commands look for other directories ('ls -d */rec*' looks for all instances of rec*-Directories, e.g. rec_8bit or rec_16bit) and appends them (using '>>') to the same file. The appending is important, or else you'll loose what you've entered in the previous lines! * In the end we're also looking for Projections and Reconstructions in the 'mrg' subfolder, where we've written the merged Files using the [[widefieldscan]]-workflow. To actually start the backup, you need to issue the following command (in the directory where you generated the backupfile): bl-ftp2arch.sh -u e11126 -e david.haberthuer@psi.ch -b -P -f backupfile.txt This starts the archiver-script for the Schittny-eAccount (-u), notifies David about success/failure (-e, email goes only to @psi-Addresses), performs the archival in the background (-b), asks for the archivFTP-Password (-P) and uses backupfile.txt as list of files to backup (-f). If you want to monitor the progress, it's probably best if you run the command without the -b flag inside a [[https://www.google.ch/search?q=linux+screen|screen]]-session, so you can hangup the terminal and come back. ===== Restore backup from archivftp.psi.ch ===== Either follow [[http://sls.web.psi.ch/view.php/beamlines/ms/xtm/manuals/index.html#restore|these steps]] on the TOMCAT-website or: * Connect to slslc05.psi.ch per SSH * Start gFTP to have a graphical interface to the FTP-server. Start it with issuing "gftp" in the terminal. * login as either e11126@archivftp.psi.ch or e10277@archivftp.psi.ch. The passwords are known by the Beamline-Crew or me. * Browse to the directory which you want to restore. * Try to transfer the data. Since archivftp.psi.ch stores everything on tape, you'll probably get an error the first time. Just retry after some minutes, then everything should work like a charm. ===== DicoClient ===== Falls jobs manuell submitted wurden und nicht mit dem RecoManager angeschaut werden koennen, dann kann auf x02da-cons-2 cd /usr/local/cluster/DiCoClient/ java -jar DiCoClient.jar ausgefuehrt werden. Dies started den DicoClient ([[https://controls.web.psi.ch/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/DiCat|Distibuted Computing Client]]). Mit "lj ex a" sieht mensch alle momentan ausgefuehrten, der Rest wird mit "h" erklaert. ===== rename multiple files ===== either rename R243b10_ R243b10_mrg R243b10_???.tif or use workaround like below if "rename" does not work with more than 1000 files (seems to be the case over ssh/x-server...) rename R243b10_0 R243b10_mrg0 R243b10_0???.tif rename R243b10_1 R243b10_mrg1 R243b10_1???.tif rename R243b10_2 R243b10_mrg2 R243b10_2???.tif rename R243b10_3 R243b10_mrg3 R243b10_3???.tif rename R243b10_4 R243b10_mrg4 R243b10_4???.tif ... ===== Camserver restart ===== rdesktop pc6189 -g 1250x950 -a 16 oder mit alias | grep CCD rausfinden, welcher PC momentan grad zustaendig ist... ===== Reset Camera ===== * Start CamWare and take any picture (snap shot or movie) * Close CamWare * Start Image-Pro Plus * Start Camera Server FIFO ===== Image-Pro Plus ===== * Camera control -> Exposure, binning, etc. * Histogram (Histogram of image, directly linked to a particular image) * Flat: 40'000 - 50'000 counts. * Arithmetic and logical operations -> divide image by flat -> min. 2000 - 3000 counts in new images. If not -> higher energy!! * Enhance - Display range: Gives histogram of current image and defines display range. May be use constantly.