Meetings with Co-referee === Courses/lectures/seminars === Seminars --- - *Inflammatory and genotoxic effects of particles* - 30.1.2009 - Dr. Roel Schins, Arbeitsbereich Partikelforschung, Institut für umweltmedizinische Forschung, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf - *Skeletonization of images and topology* - 06.05.2009 - Dr. Felix Weinstein, Institut für Anatomie, Universität Bern - *Surfactant Counts: The Emerging Role of Congenital and Acquired Alterations in Surfactant components in Lung Disease* - 24.06.09 - Prof. Mike F. Beers, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center - *Understanding the mucosal defence of the respiratory tract in humans* - 27.07.09 - Dr. Adam Wright, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK - *The endometrium and placenta; epithelial barriers during pregnancy* - 27.07.09 - Dr. Brett McKinnon, Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine, DKF, Tiefenauspital, Bern, Switzerland - *Toxicity of Scooter Emissions* - 21.09.09 - Loretta Müller, Insitute of Anatomy, University of Bern - *Strength training for elderly: from a functional, structural and molecular perspective* - 21.10.2009 - Matthias Müller, Insitute of Anatomy, University of Bern - *Genes associated with athletic performance* - 25.11.09 - Barbara Wessner, University of Vienna, Austria Courses --- - Diss, was nun? - Workshop der MVUB - 13.11.2009 - University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Workshops --- - Work-Meeting at Fraunhofer MeVis - 7.-9.10.2009 - Fraunhofer MeVis, Bremen, Germany Assistance in practical student courses === - Masterstudent (Sebastien Barré) - 6 months (23.02.2009-19.08.2009 ) - Partial support - Wahlpraktikum - 3 students - Each in total about 80-100h work done on skeletonization project - Histokurs - 20.03.2009 - Ossifikation - 01.05.2009 - weibliche Geschlechtsorgane - 24.09.2009 - Epithelgewebe - 03.12.2009 - Niere, ableitende Harnwege - Each approx. 2.5h assistance in lectures Internal presentations of research results === - Poster: *Quality-guided synchrotron-based tomographic microscopy of large lung samples* - 3rd Graduate School Students' Symposium - 28.01.2009, University of Bern - Talk: *Kleine Pixel, grosse Samples* - Tag der Anatomie - 20.02.2009, Universität Bern - Talk: *A high-resolution three-dimensional view of the developing acinus* - 11.05.2009, Inselspital Bern - Foschungsvieleck Lunge - Talk: *Small pixels for large samples* - SLS Symposium - 3.11.2009, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland - [Invitation]( Presentations at national meetings === - Poster: *Quality-Guided Synchrotron-based Tomographic Microscopy of Large Lung Samples* - 71\. Jahresversammlung SGAHE (presented by Johannes Schittny) - 4.9.2009, Lausanne, Switzerland - Poster: *Generation of terminal airway skeletons using synchrotron based x-ray tomographic microscopy* - 71\. Jahresversammlung SGAHE (presented by Johannes Schittny) - 4.9.2009, Lausanne, Switzerland Presentations at international meetings === - Talk: *Quality Guided Synchrotron Radiation Based X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy of Large Lung Samples* - ATS 2009 • San Diego, the International Conference of the American Thoracic Society - 15.-20.05.2009, San Diego, California, US - [Abstract]( - Poster: *Generation of acinar skeletons in high resolution 3D-visualizations of terminal airways in mammals* - ATS 2009 • San Diego, the International Conference of the American Thoracic Society - 15.-20.05.2009, San Diego, California, USA - [Abstract]( - Poster: *Generation of terminal airway skeletons using synchrotron based x-ray tomographic microscopy* - Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy 2009 - 12.-16.07.2009, Interlaken, Switzerland - Poster: *Quality-Guided Synchrotron-based Tomographic Microscopy of Large Lung Samples* - Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy 2009 - 12.-16.07.2009, Interlaken, Switzerland - Poster: *Generation of terminal airway skeletons using synchrotron based X-ray tomographic microscopy* - First Joint Users' Meeting @ PSI: JUM@P '09 - 12.-13.10.2009, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland - Poster: *Quality driven expansion of the field of view in synchrotron radiation x-ray tomographic microscopy* - First Joint Users' Meeting @ PSI: JUM@P '09 - 12.-13.10.2009, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland Publications === - *Multimodal imaging for the detection of sub-micron particles in the gas-exchange region of the mammalian lung* - David Haberthür, Manuela Semmler-Behnke, Shinji Takenaka, Wolfgang G. Kreyling, Marco Stampanoni, Akira Tsuda and Johannes C. Schittny - Journal of Physics, Conference Series - [](