# Monday morning - 3D X-ray Microscopy and Tomography ## Bruce Patterson - SwissFEL - Order of magnitude increase of brilliance compared to SLS - MicroBunching of electrons > Self-amplifying spontaneous Emission (SASE, bettr word than FEL) - THz Pump source - detect Motion of Atoms on surfaces (ps imaging with Split-Pulse imaging) - avoid radiation damage, fast Imaging ## Gerd Schneider - Nano-tomography - semicondictors thermal Stress - tomograhpy with Full-Field x-Ray microscopes - cryo TXM, different Sample holder possibilities - Resolution down to 12 nm - higher Resolution, but less Penetration ## Martin Obst - 3D chemical mapping - quantitative Chemical information with high spatisl Resolution - Mapping of compounds in cells ## Pavel Trtik - 3D Imaging of cement particles - Resolution Limit for 4D-imaging, since nanotomography is destructive - Resolution down to 250nm with FIB-grooves/holes in 3D. 100nm Features in 2D ## Jaap Boon - 3D tomographic microscopy of calcified tissues - complex multilayer microarchitecture of eggs - Pores/Channels in Egg-Shells ## Oliver Bunk - Scanning SAXS - Scanning transmission xray microscopy - scattering Information from different Materials - scattering Information gives orientation of collagen in Bone - different information from the same dataset ## Martin de Jorge - Fluorescence Tomography - elemental Mapping is possible - assessing revonstruction quality - colocation of elements and concentrations is possible, but scanning tomography is really slow - well suited for nanoscale investigation on small biological specimens ## Martin Heggli - Snow Microstructure - packed snow is far away from nice stars, no 3D architecture - snow is a sintered porous material with Ice and air phase - non-destructive measurement > time-lapse tomography > compression of snow over 5 days - grain boundary analysis in 3D - 3D watershed (Soille 1999, Godehardt 2000 (?)) - Skeletonization (Ioanjidis 2000, Liang 2000) ## Peter Bruyndonckx - Combined 3D morphological & chemical Imaging - 3D-map of chemical composition, again slow - method without synchrotron > 50 um pinhole in front of fluorescence detector (XRF CCD > energy detector) - detection of elements from ~3-30 keV # Monday afternoon - 3D CLSM and Light Microscopy ## Markus Dürrenberger - confocal technique - technical aspects of confocal microscopy - deconvolution - multiple-photon laser ## Markus Affolter - branching morphogenesis - how do branched epithelial networks form during development? - cell rearrangement made visible with confocal microscopy ## Barbara Rothen - nanoparticles in lung cells - exposure to particle aerosols > uptake mechanism - engineered nanoparticles can be images by advanced microscopic methods ## Melissa Denecke - Confocal uXRF and uXANES - confocal tomography - ixcom20.fzk.de ## Miriam Lucas - Correlative 3D Microscopy - confocal laser scanning microscope combined with focused ion beam SEM - milling and imaging > 3D image stack with EM-resolution ## Lucy Collison - Blood vessel formation - FIB milling to obtain 3D electron microscopy tomographic datadet